Category: Rework

  • Coding coding coding

    I made big changes in the code. I replaced all the code using the old 2D system with the new system ex2D. I reworked the multiresolution system that makes the App universal. I replacde Itween with Hotween to reduce memory allocation. 5 full  days of works but almost no new feature. I hope it will…

  • Redo or rework

    When programmers want to redo things from scratch, that’s 90% time a wrong decision! In which cases programmers want to redo things: Redo to add some features: What happen: They start redoing everything because they thing that’s the only solution to add a particular feature. Deadline coming closer they don’t have time to finish -> In…

  • Rework

    “Rework” and “Simple is beautiful” is my way of programming ( like Naruto’s “way of a ninja”..) . How I’m programing: 1. First program version. I make a first clean version. All essential features included. This version should be good enough to be shipped with the final product in case of a Deadline Rush. 2. Gather…