Past weeks has been crazy. Lot of positive feedback. I spend all my time demoing Freaking Meatbags, writing emails and shaking hands of journalists.
My energy is on low right now.
I’ve started a devlog on tigforum.
About the next update:
First changes I will make before adding new content:
Level before the final boss is too hard. I will make this level easier.
I’ve made the game tested by many people, including this week-end during the Pix&Tech show. And there is one complain:
Sometimes players just wait to gather enough resources to build something.
I’ve added a 3X time accelerator to fix this problem. It’s better but apparently not enough.
What I’m going to try:
– Give the strong Alien who gather resources on the first planet. Player will gather resource faster (and they wait less).
– Reduce the day/night duration to keep the current balance as much as possible. I will have to replay every level to adjust the difficulty.
-> The game duration will mechanically be shorten. But with the new levels coming it will compensate, and the overall game duration should stay the same ( 3 Hours 1/2 to 6 Hours ) or grow.
– Early version of Freaking Meatbags had shorten day and night. But player were really stressed (which is the opposite problem). I will add an “overclocking” feature which let the player slow down the game during fight if he feel the pressure too much. This may also have some consequence on the balance, by making the game easier. I hope it won’t.
Beware that these changes may be bad and I may revert this.
The second solution will be to give the robot something fun to do in early level during resource gathering. But I have not find a good idea yet. There is already a lot of mechanic to learn, so it needs to be simple.
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