We hope you’re having a terrific summer!

Here is what we’ve been working on:
– Fighting system: Each minion has strength, dexterity, mind and endurance. Those characteristics influence the power of your minion as well as some attack effects condition.
Minions gain XP when fighting and you can use skill points to unlock new attacks or make them stronger.
– New monsters:
Doctors Frankenstein! because every monster crew needs its syringes throwing crazy scientists.
Psychic killer tires! It’s a thing. Look it up.
– Level up: Your minions progress on each task they’re doing.
– The sound of murder: We have a composer working on music exclusive to the game!
– Tons of ergonomic/GUI improvement:
Drop down menu, listing all actions possibles instead of doing only the default one.
Highlights of objects before selecting them .
Progression circle on all important tasks.
Info on what rocks contain (metal, gold, or stone).
Display quantity of object in the storage panel.
Display fight target (red arrow line).
Hunters Info panel with theirs fighting.
More overlay info.

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