MachiaVillain Devlog
[English / French] Features – The League of Machiavellian Villains hearse gives you some extra food the first time you need it – Stop work in the task manager – Action/attack icon at the bottom of the screen with better GUI. – Add more contextual action ( process body part, crafting..) – Add setting menu –…
MachiaVillain DevLog
______________ English / French ______________ Enemies / Ennemis – Thievery: some enemies will now steal whichever goods suit their fancy. – Two types of policemen: the first with stunning batons (as in “will stun your monster” not as in “fabulous”), the second with guns. – Villagers: angry mob armed with either pitchfork or torches, specially…
We’ll be visiting Gamescom (15-19th August) for the first time! We won’t have a booth, but we’ll bring the game, but , so if you want to meet and try the game, give us a shoot
Progress DevLog
Crafting – Basic starter crafting bench – Furniture crafting bench – Crafted items are placed in wooden boxes – Crafted furnitures can be placed by selecting them in the furniture menu or by directly using the wooden boxes Attracting victims – Writing desk added: so monsters can write old fashion letters. The writing desk is an easier to obtain (albeit…
Design: Potion Craftbench
[Artist speaking ^^] I’m currently working on designs concerning potions. It’s a feature we’ll introduce in the game a bit later, so I’ll just focus on the visual aspect of it for now. Let’s take a walk on the art side En ce moment je travaille sur les designs des potions et de leur fabrication….
Progress DevLog
____________________ /English in grey/ /Français en italique bleu/ ____________________ Merchant – Now has a buy and sell system – Sells more than monsters: resources, food, victims,… Marchand – Nouveau système: le marchand vend et achète – Vend d’autres choses que des monstres: ressources, nourriture, victimes,… Dynamic Help We had just started working on it on our…